
The World Health Organization estimates that every year, millions of people die from preventable and treatable diseases due to a lack of access to basic healthcare services.

- World Health Organization

Jordan Lewis Humanitarian offers many opportunities to help with healthcare needs worldwide:

  • Building a multi-specialty hospital in Visakhapatnam, India: The government has given 5 acres at a minimal cost; it is surrounded by at least 50 villages and 500,000 inhabitants, with no hospital.

  • Providing medical supplies and equipment to areas that lack basic healthcare

  • Sending medical teams to serve in areas of need

  • Providing mosquito nets to help prevent dengue fever and other diseases

In 2021 during the Covid pandemic, at a time when oxygen concentrators were unavailable in areas of India, we sent 18 to our partners there, saving many lives.

“In one month, a family lost their grandmother and her 2 sons to Covid due to lack of oxygen and proper care in the hospitals.

The Home Oxygen Concentrators you provided saved 3 of their other family members’ lives - the daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter - because they could stay at home and receive special care and treatment.

We can’t imagine how many more families and individuals will be benefited in the days and months to come.”

—Monika, program director in India

Current Projects

(Need more details? Have questions? Contact us.)

  • Mosquito Nets: Many poor families in Sindh struggle to afford basic necessities, including mosquito nets. These nets are essential for preventing mosquito bites and reducing the risk of dengue fever.
    Cost: $7 per mosquito net

    Medical Clinics: Free medical clinics offer a lifeline for rural areas with limited access to healthcare. They bring medical professionals directly to these communities, providing crucial checkups, education on hygiene practices, and essential medications - all at no cost.
    Cost: $500 per clinic

    1. Traveling doctor: We have a doctor that is willing to go into smaller villages every quarter and bring basic healthcare.
      Needs: funds for transportation and medical supplies

    2. Health Clinics: We have a doctor available to do health clinics.
      Needs: a motorbike and medical supplies
      Contact us for more details.

  • Multi-Specialty Hospital, Visakhapatnam: The government has given 5 acres at a minimal cost; it is surrounded by at least 50 villages and 500,000 inhabitants, with no hospital. This hospital will provide care for the poor, but also for the middle class and economically well off, and will generate income for its maintenance. It will provide training as well as service, and employment for many in the area.

    Costs: Contact us for detailed plans and costs.

  • Children’s Hospital: We would like to build a children’s hospital for the Luila Village area, since the nearest city and hospital are in Kinshasa, 50 miles away. Many of these children have physical infirmities which go untreated. Not only is war making things very difficult, but also diseases such as malaria, cholera, blindness, and smallpox are affecting many of our young children.

    We have purchased 70 acres to build a complex including the Children’s Hospital, and the initial phase calls for the facility to have a waiting room, emergency room, 16 hospital rooms with 2 beds per room, training room, cafeteria, and a multipurpose room.

    Costs: Contact us for more details

  • Supporting an existing clinic:
    This clinic is a vital resource, providing medical treatment, performing surgeries, and delivering babies. Our goal is to enhance its support, ensuring that more patients receive quality care at a lower cost.